Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

In Italy Father's Day is always on March 19th. And yes, we have a cat.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

S for sun, spring and shirts

Even if it isn't officially started, spring is almost here. We enjoy some sunny afternoon and the kids can play again outside without looking like Bibendum, the Michelin man.
Along with spring come the desire for new clothes. S asked for a shirt like daddy's and I had a wonderful idea (do know that dangerous feeling?): why not use an old H's shirt? Now I say never again! I finished it to keep my promise, but it tooked me three times the time I would have needed if I started from new fabric, and I'm not satisfied with the result.

For me I made this gray shirt: I used a Burda model, while the fabric comes from IKEA (yes, the furniture shop). I liked the print, but it's a bit too stiff for the model, so I look as if I were pregnant.
No problem, I didn't sew since long ago, before the kids, and I intend these two shirts as a kind of training to refresh my sewing skills. Maybe I'll have some other wonderful ideas...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crafty sunday - Keep your seat

This should be our art period, we enjoy so much going to museums and exhibitions.
So we spent another sunday afternoon at the GAM (Modern Art Gallery).

The girl with the blue sweater in the picture above is Giorgia, the new team leader for "family activities": she has a lot of ideas and this year we'll enjoy brand new activities.

The temporary exhibition is called "Keep your seat" and is on chairs: you can see dozen of different chairs, some cool examples of industrial design, others used as a form of art.
Contemporary art has always been tricky to me, may be that's the reason why I found this exhibition boring.

Not so the family activity. Can you imagine 15 kids and their parents building their own chair from boxes, newspapers, tape and glue?
There were many armchairs, some sofa, a beach chair and even a dog's bed!

Now we have 2 more armchairs and a sofa. Wow!

Happy birthday

On February 28th H turned 41 and he asked for a special cake: a multi-layer pancakes and honey. Very simple, but still very good, especially if you cut it in slice like a real cake and serve with strawberry and cream.
Dorit, a german friend, showed me how to make these all-around pancakes more than 10 years ago, cooking for new year's party in Vernazza.
I haven't got a real recipe, just mix flour, eggs, milk and a pinch of salt. No sugar, so you can use them also with cheese and vegetables or leftovers to give them a new appeal.
If you use a bit more milk, the pancakes will become thinner, so you can fold them as italian "crespelle".