Wednesday, January 13, 2010

pied-de-coq scarf

This year, for Christmas, we decided to make our gift. D1 made tshirt with our names on them, as football teams. H gave me coupon for piano lessons, and so on.
I decided to make scarves. For H I made the "love s
carf" pattern, that you can find here.

I was in trouble for my Ds, there where so many patterns I couldn't decide.
One evening I came across a nice stitch in a french book of mine, titled "250 Points de crochet". It is called pied-de-coq, that means hen's foot.

I tried to take a picture of the page explaining it, but with poor result. So I serched in the web and I found what I needed in another blog called "Learn to Crochet" It has also a link to Youtube channel devoted to crochet, even for left handed.

So, here's the scheme and what I did.

The stitch is multiple of 4, and I repeted it 57 times, using a size G/4 mm hook.

The colors used were white, light blue and green.
And here's D1 with her brand new scarf, about 120 x 25 cm

Now I'm working to second scarf in white and rose, the one you can see in the first pictures.

Have fun!

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